Tutor Profile
Hey, I’m Lucy a second year Maths student at Durham University! I really do love anything maths or science related and believe there’s nothing better than the feeling of grasping a concept you’ve been stuck on for ages. Having received 4 A*s at A-Level in Maths, Further Maths, Physics and Chemistry I have recent relevant experience in how to answer both GCSE and A-level exam questions to a high standard and use my passion for the subject to provide engaging and beneficial lessons for my students. When I’m not studying, I enjoy de-stressing with yoga, going for brunch with my housemates or creating engaging content for Durham’s Women in Stem social medias.
Recent Review
"Lucy is so reliable, and my son has found the lessons invaluable. "

2 + Years
A* A* A* A*
10 GCSE's including 9's in Maths & Physics,