Tutor Profile
I’m a fourth-year medical student at Brighton and Sussex Medical school with a bachelor’s degree in Sports and Exercise medicine. I’ve previously tutored A-level chemistry and GCSE maths and science for a variety of students at different skill levels. I aim to personalise the tutoring for a learning style which suits my tutees. I like to explain the underlying reasoning behind different topics, so students feel more confident in applying their knowledge in different scenarios. I find going through past papers and exam style questions step by step with students is beneficial in order to hone their exam technique and identify any areas which may need more attention.
A level – A*A*AA
GCSE - 12 GCSEs including 9s in Maths and English Language. (Two 9s, one 7, seven A*s, two As)
~ 4 years tutoring
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4 + Years
A* A* A A
12 GCSE's including 9 in Maths